N DA MOOD TerpenAire Nasal Inhaler

N DA MOOD TerpenAire Nasal Inhaler

Regular price $15.00
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The perfect companion for getting and staying N DA MOOD!  This specialty TerpenAire™ is formulated with carefully selected 100% organic food grade botanically sourced and ultra-distilled terpenes to address and enhance libido.  It helps give you a light feeling and some needed relaxation that’s just right for relieving stress and improving your mood so that you can more easily get N DA MOOD for love. 

For those concerned with drug tests, there is NO THC in this product!  It is derived from naturally occuring plants that are NOT hemp or marijuana.

STRENGTH: 2ml active terpenes infused with organic MCT oil for high bioavailability

  • How to Use: 10-30 minutes before spending intimate time with that special someone, unscrew nasal inhaler,  place finger on one nostril and apply enough pressure to prevent air flow.  Insert inhaler into open nostral and inhale.  Repeat with other nostril.  You should experience a sense of stress relief and relaxation in 30-90 seconds.  Repeat entire process as needed.  Be sure to screw lid back on tightly after use.  Store in cool dry environment to maximize product longevity.